Purpose of Blog

As you read through the weekly Leftist LUNCs, you may ask: "Why is it that Liberals typically start out with wonderfully positive and laudable intents, but end up with negative and regrettable consequences?" "Why do Leftist LUNCs continue to happen, over and over again and on such a grand scale?"

There are various answers to these questions hinted at in the Leftist LUNCs, themselves. I will briefly discuss each in this blog.

Monday, July 1, 2013


As you read through the weekly Leftist LUNCs, you may ask: Why is it that liberals typically start out with wonderfully positive and laudable intents, but end up with negative and regrettable consequences? Why does the Left almost invariably produce the opposite effect than what they originally intended? How does so much bad come from so much good?

You may also ask: Why do Leftist LUNCs continue to happen, seemingly repeatedly and on such a grand scale? Given the fallibility and gullibility, though progressive tendency of human nature, one may reasonably expect Leftist LUNCs to have occurred a couple of times early in liberal history and maybe rarely thereafter, though not persistently

You may also be puzzled that even with all the scandals and depressing economic news and authoritative reports faulting liberals in general, and the Obama administration in particular, for a host of domestic and foreign problems, and no matter how many statements from the President and other Democrats run demonstrably counter to the facts, and given people's heightened concerns and disappointment over a number of prominent political issues, nevertheless there is poll after poll giving President Obama high marks for the job he has been doing, and liberals continue to be elected and re-elected.

"Three years ago today, a freshly-inaugurated President Obama said of his plan to fix the financial crisis that 'if I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.'” (See HERE)  Yet, the economy wasn't fixed. In fact, in many respects the economy has gotten worse. (See Obamanomics--Trickle-up Poverty) Still, Obama has become a two-term proposition, leaving many of us puzzling why?

As intimated in the Limbaugh Theorem, "Rush noted of what he calls 'low information voters' that 'they think that what’s happening in the country has nothing to do with Obama…..He’s not seen as responsible for any of this.' So often has Rush explained The Limbaugh Theorem (as here) that it has, in the way of the modern world, long since entered the political vernacular. As here over at Commentary, for example. Or here at WND." (See HERE) (See also HERE and HERE and HERE)

While Rush explains this disconnect as, "Obama’s popularity lies in his remaining in campaign mode, instead of getting down to the business of governance" (See HERE). I have my own theories as to why this happens as well as answers to the questions I pose above. I will address each of the answers in this blog.

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