Purpose of Blog

As you read through the weekly Leftist LUNCs, you may ask: "Why is it that Liberals typically start out with wonderfully positive and laudable intents, but end up with negative and regrettable consequences?" "Why do Leftist LUNCs continue to happen, over and over again and on such a grand scale?"

There are various answers to these questions hinted at in the Leftist LUNCs, themselves. I will briefly discuss each in this blog.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Politics of Dependency and Entitlement

Adult dependency robs individuals of their agency (their help, their rules), robs them of their dignity (their help, your pity), robs them of their self-worth (their help, their credit), and robs them of skills need to escape dependency (their help, their ability).

Said another way, our survival as people rest in our doing WORK.

 For example, after spending over $22 TRILLION on the war on poverty over the last 50 years, today there is more poverty, homelessness, people on food stamps, disability pay, unemployment, income and wealth inequality, etc. than when the war began. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

How is this possible?

It is succinctly explained in this meme:

The "cheese" in this case is public assistance and entitlements, and the "trap" is the downward cycle of dependency and bloated government, with the people baiting the "trap" being liberal elites and their giant governmental bureaucracies and useful supporters.

In brief, here is how the trap often operates: 
  1. Liberal elites want power. 
  2. They obtain power by getting elected and by growing the government over which they rule.
  3. They entice votes and grow the government by invoking the Politics of Victimization, followed by the Politics of Compassion, and the Politics of Equality (i.e. class envy)
  4. Once the "problem" has been identified, liberal elites proffer the "trap" of Big Government as the preferred, if not the only acceptable solution--misleadingly asserting Strength in Numbers as well as Elitism and Specialization, while ignoring or downplaying the costs or the suitability of the co-called  "solution."
  5. Voters are moved by the "cheese" of emotional appeal and handouts. 
  6. Once the majority votes are obtained, the "traps" are implemented.
  7. The "traps" consist of transferring power from individual to elites (like what is explained in Micro-Aggression and the Culture of Victimhood), from self-sufficiency to public dependency, which has a tendency to rob the recipient of dignity and self-esteem (giving them the impression that they are inept and helpless) and denies them a sense of accomplishment and success (credit goes to the elites and their government), rendering them all the less dignified and more inept and helpless and dependent, as well as increasingly beholding to the elitist big government, if not also enable self-degrading doling and abuse of the system, and even provides financial disincentives to get off welfare. (see HERE)
  8. The elites leverage this increased dependency and obligation to emotionally stoke the flames of victimization and compassion, and justify enlarging the "trap"--increasing the size and cost of government, which in turn expands the power of the elites.

Around and around it co-dependently goes pretending to do good, but creating more harm (i.e Leftist LUNCs). The "solution" becomes a part of, if not THE "problem."

This cycle or culture of dependency is not just domestic, but foreign as well, and tends to enrich the giving nations at the expense of the assisted impoverished countries (see HERE). 

The dysfunction is also explicated HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

Video of Thomas Sowell on welfare:

On poverty and dependency:

See also HERE

Milton Friedman explains what is wrong with welfare (the intent to do good with other people's money):

See also HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

Of course, some liberals are in denial. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

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